Hexagon forges a collaboration with Microsoft

Hexagon forges a collaboration with Microsoft

Hexagon forms a collaboration with Microsoft, through which they intend to revolutionize the connection between engineers and the manufacturing segment and allow quicker innovation by adopting fresh services. This will help merge data pertaining to engineering procedures with a real-time understanding of manufactured items. There will be one-off services that utilize the latest cloud framework for linking manufacturing and engineering mechanisms, such as Microsoft 365, within Hexagon’s Nexus digital reality platform.  

Both companies have been involved in building and upgrading the open-source smooth infrastructure and Azure smooth relay solution to back up the real-world exchange of data through various manufacturing procedures and mechanisms. This enables the data to be developed in a mechanism made accessible to machines functioning in another. 

The Microsoft 365 ecosystem will connect with the database through collaboration, allowing users to link their daily official documents with manufacturing instruments. Through CAD, calls will transform into interactive opportunities for engineering and manufacturing activities. 

Hexagon has connected with Microsoft to incorporate generative AI modules within its manufacturing software. This provides users with the option of exploiting their full potential. These AI exposures involve contextual consultants providing productivity powering automation. 

The collaboration will utilize Hexagon’s skills and Microsoft Azure’s expertise to speed up engineering models and introduce inventive items to markets. 

Combining Hexagon’s measurement and reality capture technology with nas Nexus open access platform and Microsoft’s cloud ecosystem sets the base for flexible engineering applications and industrial metaverse use cases. 

In the words of the EVP and General Manager Nexus at Hexagon, Stephen Graham, they aim to encourage the workers by offering valuable know-how to excel in whatever they do.