Louis Vuitton is making a splash with its latest creation- a snazzy leather jacket designed by Pharrell Williams, inspired by the cowboy trend. But wait, there’s a twist – it’s not just any jacket. It’s also a digital artwork, an NFT.
Only 200 people who own special Louis Vuitton digital tokens can get this jacket. And it’s not cheap – the price is €7,900! But don’t worry, it’s not only digital. You’ll get a real jacket delivered later this year.
This is part of Louis Vuitton’s Via NFT project. They turn cool stuff from their runway shows into digital collectibles. Before this jacket, they sold a cool bag and a mini trunk through the same project.
You couldn’t simply purchase these special items – you needed a Via NFT from the brand. And they didn’t give those to just anyone. No, you had to apply and show your crypto world importance. Pretty exclusive, right?
Certain influential fashion-tech figures, like DJs and investors, even received some of these special NFTs from Louis Vuitton. The brand has also engaged with fans through Discord, an online community platform.
Other brands are exploring NFTs, too. However, Louis Vuitton targets the high-end crowd, not casual fashion enthusiasts. They maintain exclusivity, as always.
The NFTs are digital tokens proving ownership. They’ve gotten pretty big in the art world. Louis Vuitton wants to stay ahead by embracing new technology. They’re issuing NFTs for a reason.
It’s not solely about profits; connecting with their core audience matters. By welcoming them into this exclusive club, Louis Vuitton signals their importance. Their most loyal fans are valued and recognized.
What comes next remains uncertain. However, Louis Vuitton continually innovates, merging fashion with cutting-edge tech. They’ll keep evolving one trendy move after another; that’s guaranteed.